How to INSTALL BackTrack on your vmware????????????????????

This is second part of  << backtrack virtual machine installation tutorial 
in this tutorial i will cover how to install vmware tools and additionally how to install
Reboot and login with default username and password

username : root

password : toor

Before installing vmware tools

ONLY KDE users ,  fix unable to create symlink problem :

root@bt:~# mkdir /etc/cups/ppd


Prepare Kernels  Source 



Change Root password of backtrack 5 R3 installation 

root@bt:~#passwd root

Enter New UNIX Password :

Retype New UNIX Password :

passwd : Password Updated Successfully

After Prepare kernel sources now , Install vmware tools

1 : Eject and Disconnect Backtrack if its still mounted
2 : click on vm and choose install vmware tools
3 : if  mount automatically then its okay else mount manually


root@bt:~#mkdir /mnt/vmtools

root@bt:~#mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/vmtools/

mount : block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only

root@bt:~#cp /mnt/vmtools/VMwareTools-9.6.0-1294478.tar.gz /tmp

root@bt:~#cd /tmp

root@bt:/tmp#tar zxpf VMwareTools-9.6.0-1294478.tar.gz

root@bt:/tmp#cd vmware-tools-distrib/

root@bt:/vmware-tools-distrib/#perl ./

it will ask many question if you are not sure just go with defaults and when it finish installing simply type





apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

Enjoy it so simple!!!!!!!!!!! 😉